VERDE DIGITAL - A Global Collaboration for ESG Initiatives

Verde Digital

In a monumental leap forward, we are thrilled to announce the inauguration of our latest venture, VERDE DIGITAL, initiated on July 23, 2023. This Singapore-based company is the result of a collaborative effort between INOVA, Bevolv, VSOne, VSIS, and a UK-based industry expert. This strategic partnership aims to acknowledge the escalating significance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives and the burgeoning IT sector opportunities emerging worldwide.

VERDE DIGITAL stands as a testament to our commitment to addressing global challenges and leveraging expertise from diverse regions. With a focus on ESG, this venture is poised to substantially impact the IT landscape, aligning with the evolving needs and opportunities in the ever-expanding global market. Stay tuned for further developments as VERDE DIGITAL embarks on its journey to contribute to the transformative landscape of ESG initiatives on a global scale.

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